“If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’re going to keep getting what we’re getting.”
— Steven Covey
Get your students or business team amped to drive meaningful impact!
Engage Kristin’s experience and coaching tools to ignite your people with personal growth awareness and leadership E.Q. skills that inspire meaningful action. Contact 6th Power™ to learn more.
Motivational Speaking Topics
College-Age Career Direction
Immerse in proven techniques to help students map individual strengths, interests, and skills into a career vision and statement. This helps define majors, industries to seek post college, and stories to set each student apart from the crowd.
Find Clarity in Chaos
Goals, life’s demands, and not enough time to get any of it done…sound familiar? Understand how to create clear focus with positive new habits in the six areas of your life to achieve your most desired maximum impact at work, at home, and most importantly, with yourself.
Guilt-Free Habits For Working Moms
Clear the guilt, eliminate the noise, and laugh with Kristin as she shares her most harrowing working mom stories. She’ll also give you clear tools to simplify your goals and create positive habits that put you first. Spoiler alert, her kids grew up healthy and happy!