Leader Corps™ is an experiential learning immersion that merges the acquisition of critical business leadership skills with impactful global travel opportunities, immersion into other cultures, and compassionate, sustainable social responsibility and purpose.
Kristin’s objective through Leader Corps is to teach, inspire, and create Striker Leaders™ in an environment that focuses on fun, adventure, connection and relationship building with peers in a non-judgmental capacity. Learn more about what a Striker Leader is here.
Leader Corps was conceived and developed to bridge the current gap between the corporate need to foster and retain innovative and productive leaders with the millennial’s need to be supported by meaningful growth experiences and training.
Foundational elements of all Leader Corps programs are as follows:
- 3 to 6 week cultural immersion into a global community centered around and innovative leadership training curriculum executing viable service projects
- Group sizes average between 14-21 participants
- Focus will be on how to balance business fundamentals, impactful community aid, and personal connection
- Leadership training centered around the fundamental 6 values of a Striker Leader™.
- Cultural immersion into a global community executing service projects connected to the leadership learnings.
- Will tap into individual purpose, personality awareness and potential to create a an impactful personal brand statement
- Coaching from an ICF certified Executive Coach, typically both onsite in the program and post program once home.
- The unique and distinguishing assignment of a Mentor Legend. See Mentor Legend details below.
- Fun, adventure, connection, and engaging relationship building with peers in a judgement-free learning environment.
Mentor Legend™
» More on Mentor Legend
A Mentor Legend™ is a high level business leader that embodies all 6 values of a Striker Leader™. These inspirational leaders are passionate about giving back to our younger generations to help mold the future Striker Leaders™ of tomorrow.
Mentor Legend™ Values and Commitment
- Meets all six Striker Leader™ qualifications and is able to reinforce the values with participants
- Has minimum 10 years as an effective leader
- Shares leadership growth journey and personal success story
- Understands the difference between a coach and a mentor and is not delivering directive advice, but is offering experienced guidance
- Guidance includes feedback on participants: Resume/CV, LinkedIn profile, Network Roadmap and Personal Brand worksheet
- Offers ideas to broaden network and if warranted, creates introductions to additional network contacts
- Recommends prospective Mentor Legends to 6th Power™ for future program participants
Foundational Level Program Key Deliverables
- (3) -1 hour Mentor Legend™ post program phone/Skype mentoring sessions
- Calls occur trimesterly with first one within 3 weeks after Leader Corps™
- Calls are orchestrated by 6th Power™ to ensure Mentor Legend™ contact information is private unless the Mentor chooses to share with participant
- Participant understands there are no expectations beyond the three sessions and contact with the Mentor is only available via the predefined session, unless the Mentor directs otherwise.

Founder and CEO of 6th Power™, Kristin Danganan, spent 25 years advancing a successful executive career at PepsiCo in sales and operations by consistently driving revenue and bottom line profits. As her high performance accelerated advancement up the ladder into executive ranks, an unidentified passion for greater purpose was silently brewing.
That passion materialized during a month-long immersive leadership program in South Africa. Individual leadership strengths and blind-spots materialized easier and faster when the stakes were grounded in purpose beyond self. Having mastered the strategies of training high performance leaders while leading Global Sales and Marketing Capability, she knew it was time to expand the cause. Helping future leaders define their passion, strengths, and purpose early would be a game-changer for the new generations entering the workforce.
Kristin realized that her gift of incredible corporate experience and vision for future leaders was a movement in the making. Leader Corps was born.
Current Leadership Dilemma
A few facts were indisputable. First, if you google leadership training you’ll find no shortage of trainings, companies, articles, and books about the subject. The goal quickly became not to re-invent the wheel, but to optimize it. Second, if you google anything about millennials in the workplace you’ll find no shortage of bashing this group’s sense of entitlement, work ethic, and need for hand-holding while getting an unearned medal.
Kristin had seen firsthand the heartache of the millennials she mentored and wanted to better understand why the disconnect between the cultures was so great. She researched both sides of the argument, reaching to her extensive executive corporate industry network while also connecting directly with the millennial workforce.
The feedback mirrored existing data and research, but also gave insight into the best way to build a bridge. Highlights of the feedback include:

The Corporate Feedback:
- “Millennials are academically well educated, yet they can’t synthesize large amounts of data into a succinct message with impact. They can’t create bullet points that influence action”.
- “They don’t understand that at the end of a project they don’t just get promoted, even if they did a great job”.
- “They can’t communicate in a business environment. They can tweet and snap, but well written emails and presentations that convey clear issues, ideas, and solutions seem to elude them.”
- “They have a lot of passion and conviction, but they don’t have leadership presence against business priorities that garner long-term success. They want to make a splash and then move on without proving sustainable results.”
The list went on, but you get the gist. Business leaders are frustrated with the so-called millennial entitlement and lack of sustainable business acumen.
The Millennial Feedback:
- “They (corporations) don’t care about me or my personal growth. I have ambitions and want to succeed but I want critical experiences and meaningful ways to make an impact while I support the company to achieve the bottom line.”
- “I want to grow, travel, and experience the world beyond my community. So, I either want to work for a travel-based company, or I guess endure corporate life to make good money so I can create my own travel and experiences. Wouldn’t it be great if you could have both?”
- “Companies throw community service at us as if they’re fulfilling our need to make an impact. Local community service projects are great, but we did community service in high school. We’re looking for more. We want personal growth, business learning, and global perspective as part of that service”.
Again, you get the gist. Millennials are willing to work hard, but they want something in return beyond the paycheck, they want meaningful growth experiences.
Leader Corps has two versions based on participants; one for soon-to-be/recent graduating collegiate students and one for businesses/corporations.
While all Leader Corps program fundamentals are foundationally the same, the primary differences between the two are as follows:
Collegiate has a very specific “emerging leader” curriculum to support an entry level workforce with necessary leadership skills. It follows the fundamentals listed above with critical leadership learnings centered around each of the Striker Leader™ values.
Corporate programming is highly customized to each businesses needs, existing leadership doctrines, and level of attendees. Ideally the highest level executives engage the program first so effective adoption of the cultural shift is cascaded in an organization. This helps avoid the millennial argument of “purpose posers” and allows attendees to be supported by their leaders when they return from a Leader Corps session. Striker Leader values are followed on every Leader Corps program, regardless of a company’s existing Leadership competencies and training. Striker values are easily infused into any existing Leadership curriculum. Learn more about Striker Leader™.
Why Rustic Pathways? One word… Trust. Kristin was passionate about partnering with a global service organization that not only had the same vision of distinct purpose but was also equally passionate about the safety and security of each participant as they are challenged outside their comfort zone. Kristin connected with CEO Chris Stakich over two years ago and has been building this vision with him ever since. Read Chris’ amazing bio below.
Kristin implicitly trusts the entire Rustic staff and organization as a forward-thinking global game-changer. A key point of difference between Rustic and other global travel providers is that Rustic does not outsource their staff around the globe, all staff is employed by Rustic. This is critical for any program you send your child or corporate team on because you know that the staff is equally invested in the success of the vision and not a paid 3rd party operator. For more information about the incredible programs and services Rustic Pathways provides, click here.
Chris Stakich- Rustic Pathways CEO
Chris Stakich has dedicated his career to the intersection of education, travel, and philanthropy. Chris joined Rustic Pathways in 2002 after graduating from Harvard University with a BS in Economics. Chris was appointed CEO and Chairman of the Board of Rustic Pathways in 2014. Prior to being appointed CEO, Chris held several positions in the company, including: COO, Global Sales Director, Business Development Director, Costa Rica Country Director, and Program Leader.
During Chris’ tenure at Rustic, the company has grown 40 times in size, employing over 500 people and recruiting students from 60+ countries to work and live in some of the most remote villages in the world. Chris has developed the company strategy, built the executive team, established growth partnerships, and overhauled the client lifestyle.
In addition, Chris also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Thinking Beyond Borders. Poised as the most rigorous Gap Year experience, Thinking Beyond Borders takes students around the world to study global development issues from social, political, and economic perspectives. Chris also serves as a board member of Thrival Academies. Thrival Academies is creating the largest national network of charter high schools set up specifically to provide low income students with a 1-year study abroad experience. The goal is to enroll 50,000 students each year by 2025.
Over the past five years Chris has also served as a board advisor for Global Citizen Year, Remote Travel, Lifestyle Rewired, and Trip Weave. Chris is committed to developing future leaders who embody compassion and global understanding and is now a proud partner of 6th Power to continue that effort. Chris lives in San Francisco with his accomplished chef and wife, Jennifer, and three young sons.

Peru June 2017
Now that you’re graduating from college, figuring out what you want to do with the rest of your life can be hard. Our Leader Corps program, developed in partnership with Rustic Pathways, combines professional coaching, personal development and cultural immersion. It is a ground-breaking three week program designed to help rising college seniors and recent college grads take what they’ve learned in school and apply it to the professional world.
Receive individual feedback from top executive coaches as you identify possible career paths that are right for you, and hone the professional skills you need to be successful, all while exploring some of the most beautiful countries in the world, immersing yourself in local culture, and engaging in meaningful community service work.
Contact us to discuss a customized vision for your organization’s program. Leader Corps location offerings currently include Laos, Peru, Costa Rica, Morocco, and Dominican Republic. However, with Rustic Pathways as our logistics/travel partner, we have the opportunity to consider any global location in the Rustic portfolio. Preview the Collegiate program here for an example of typical Leader Corps program details and then visit the Rustic Pathways website here to peruse their extensive global offerings.