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6 Reasons Joining Leader Corps Is A Good Idea

Need help finding your true calling in life, or just a push in the right direction? Then Leader Corps just might be perfect for you.

It’s all about defining individual strengths and interests to begin mapping out a career and life plan that fulfills you. We will help blast through any fears or barriers to success, we’ll learn new skills about effective communication/storytelling and influencing, and then we make it real by optimizing your personal brand statement to articulate verbally as well as on written communication such as resume, LinkedIn…. Finally, whether a freshman in college or a senior, we’ll help map out the network necessary to support success during and after college.

1. Enhance my empathy with a global mindset.

We live in a global, interdependent world. To not only survive, but thrive, in a future of global interdependence, we must have knowledgeable empathy for others not like us. Empathy cannot be viewed on a screen, seen in a movie, or learned in a classroom. It must be experienced and felt first hand. Leader Corps, via the partnership with Rustic Pathway, immerses in that empathy not only with locals in a unique culture but also with peers facing the same challenges as me.

2. Build necessary professional skills.

My generation is smart. Technically savvy, socially connected, and book smart from online learning and in the classroom. But CEO’s in all industries are concerned about the demonstrable skills my generation is lacking as we enter the workforce. It’s the basics of understanding how to tell a story concisely and with impact, or knowing how to integrate and communicate in a different culture of business. They are concerned we’re just missing the basics of presenting ourselves with simple confidence that highlights our clear unique strengths and value. Leader Corp’s former executives are going to support me in all of those areas.

3. Get comfortable pushing my boundaries.

I hate to admit it, but I need to get out of my comfort zone. It’s easy to hide behind social media and technology instead of getting out and trying new experiences, on my own. The more I get comfortable challenging my assumptions, the more effective I’ll be in whatever job I take s a career. I need this, even if I might be shy or anxious about putting myself out there. Leader Corps will help me see why I don’t need to feel anxious because I’ll be able to feel courageous in my individuality. 

4. Gain confidence in my unique path.

I have an idea of what I want to do, but I’m really unclear of why and what it means to my future. I’m not certain I can articulate my brand, the story of me, in the most effective way that will position me in front of the right career opportunities to maximize my interests and strengths. Leader Corps offers a very clear strategic process to uncover the path that is unique to me.

5. Adventure and fun!

Let’s face it, I’m soon to be navigating an adult world on my own and likely won’t get to have these types of independent growth experiences for a while. The locations are amazing, the itineraries are exciting, and I know the people already signed up will become some of my closest friends and confidantes. What a great way to have fun, make lifelong friends, and experience the world while preparing for my adult success!

6. The job guarantee!

Hard to believe they can offer this, but Leader Corps is so confident in the processes during the program and the coaching and mentorship after the program, that they guarantee I’ll get a job within 12 months of the program and graduating college, or our money back. Sounds like a no-brainer!!!


About the Author – Sarah Schweikhart

Sarah is from Tampa, FL. and is currently attending the University of Central Florida. She is an engineering major and has a huge passion for writing. She is a key contributor to the Odyssey online blog at UCF and is a big Knights fan!




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